The 7th Guest Board Game

Created by Rob Landeros

The board game faithfully based on the best-selling computer horror classics, The 7th Guest & The 11th Hour.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Announcing Two Special Offers
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Apr 09, 2017 at 01:21:47 PM

Late Early Bird Special

Sorry for the cheesy clip art, but I had to put something here.
Sorry for the cheesy clip art, but I had to put something here.

By popular demand, we have added a Late Early Bird Special for birds who are not so early. The special starts now and will run until 11 pm PDT, April 6.

For those of you who have already pledged at the Overnight Guest level or higher (or lower), you may wish to change your pledge to take advantage of this offer.

Special Guest Add-On

If you pledge at the Special Guest level, you can get one extra copy of the basic game if you increase the amount of your pledge by $10.

(At this point I am mandated by the Federal Department of Advertising and Promotion to inform you that a second copy of the game will make "a great gift for a friend or loved one".)

Building the Foundation
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 11:54:24 PM

How we started...

While we wait to see if enough folks will come to back this campaign, I thought some of you might find of some interest in the very beginnings of the development and design process, to understand how the game arrived at the stage it is today.

I had mentioned that sticking to the original computer game scheme, the tabletop board game would practically design itself.When it came to the development of the board itself, that was certainly no exception. Quite the opposite - it was essential. After all, we had a mansion and a floorplan. That was the foundation around which the game would be designed and the landscape upon which it would be played. No question.

I started by taking the maps from the original game and, with some adjustments and enhancements, used those as the basic templates for the layout

Maps from the 7th Guest Special Edition for Android
Maps from the 7th Guest Special Edition for Android

 The next step was to add floor tiles to the Foyer for use as navigation spaces.

This is the very first iteration of the game board with only the 1st floor blocked in.
This is the very first iteration of the game board with only the 1st floor blocked in.

Of course, a most important graphic element was wanting at this point… illustrative representations of the rooms in place of the blank gray areas. Fortunately, the good folks at Attic Door Productions, who are working on The 13th Doll, the fan based game, and have recreated nearly all of the rooms of Stauf’s mansion in 3D, not only graciously granted my request to provide us with their 3D models, but went even farther by loaning us their lead programmer and 3D artist, James Bateman to render the top-down views of the rooms.

Here is the next iteration with the first two rendered rooms in place and with the 1st and 2nd floors laid out. Added lighting effects and some vegetation to the Foyer.
Here is the next iteration with the first two rendered rooms in place and with the 1st and 2nd floors laid out. Added lighting effects and some vegetation to the Foyer.

We think it worked out to be a beautiful collaboration between the work of Trilobyte, the 7th Guest’s original creators, and the work of the game’s most devoted fans. Many heartfelt thanks to James Bateman, Ryan Holtkamp and Attic Door’s entire crew. Your participation was invaluable. And a shout out to William Hennes who also contributed his graphic talents to the development of the board.

In this iteration, more room illustrations are incorporated. I refined the Foyer tiles to a more elegant, diagonal layout, using only the carpet runners for the navigation path. All secret passages, which are as in the original game, are added.
In this iteration, more room illustrations are incorporated. I refined the Foyer tiles to a more elegant, diagonal layout, using only the carpet runners for the navigation path. All secret passages, which are as in the original game, are added.


Final version of the board with all room illustrations incorporated. The Little Room at the Top is now in its proper pentagonal shape, and all against a field of purple, the color of horror and Stauf's favorite.
Final version of the board with all room illustrations incorporated. The Little Room at the Top is now in its proper pentagonal shape, and all against a field of purple, the color of horror and Stauf's favorite.

In other news...

Today we got a couple of enthusiastic write-ups about the campaign. First, this piece from our good friends at Gamers Bay. Second, this piece from Beasts of War. Thank you!

And importantly, this...

Charlie, our social media guy, has set up a Thunderclap campaign for us. I think most of you know how that works. Just click through these buttons a couple of times to set your social media accounts to blast a notice about our campaign all at the same time. In this case, that time will be April 19 at 12 PM EDT. So please click that big button and let's get that ball of thunder rolling! We only need a minimum of 100 of you to make it happen.

Let's blast the news out to the world!
Let's blast the news out to the world!


Question: When is a game not a game?
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 06, 2017 at 08:29:58 AM

Answer: When it is afoot.

And this game is afoot and off to a good start thanks to all of you who have shown your love with your pledges. As a matter of fact, as I type this, a short eight hours after launch, all the Early Bird Specials are gone. Sorry late comers. But there are still plenty of good rewards to be had.

The main reason for this quick post is to sincerely thank all of you who have shown your love with your pledges and to let you know that we will be reading all comments, questions and messages and will try to respond at the end of every day.

Now, if you will continue to help us spread the word, we can have this project funded in no time and on its way to you. To that end, we have created this social share tool for your convenience.


Ironing out the wrinkles, shaking out the kinks
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 06, 2017 at 08:29:33 AM

And fixing a hole where the rain gets in.


These campaigns are complicated affairs, especially when there are a variety of rewards and wanting to meet the wishes and expectations of all types of fans and supporters from around the globe. Things do fall through the cracks. But as we hear from you with your excellent questions, we are patching things up and addressing issues as fast as we can as best as we are able.

We'll get it sorted out. Eventually. I hope.

We've updated the FAQ section with answers to your very good questions and comments and will continue to do so as needed throughout the run. You might want to check that out now and any time you do have a question on your mind.

Oh, and by the way...

We're over half way funded!